In order to be able to use our offer optimally, we use cookies and comparable technologies. These cookies are used for user analysis, display of personal content and advertising. They are also used to display additional third-party services such as maps. In the process, personal data may be transmitted to third-party providers. By clicking "Agree", you accept the storage of cookies and the processing and transfer of your data to third parties. We would like to point out that individual third-party providers may transmit data to servers in the USA, which may involve a particular risk, especially due to possible access by US secret services. You have the option to refuse the use of cookies. These options can be reviewed and modified at any time under Personal Settings .
Your individual cookie settings
We use cookies so that you can make the best use of our offers. Cookies are small data sets that are saved on your device and managed via your browser. With the help of cookies, our website can recognise you when you visit our portal again. There are different types of cookies. We use cookies to ensure the optimal operation of our site and for advertising that is tailored to your user behaviour on the Internet. You have the possibility to control their use by selecting different cookies.
Essential cookies
These cookies ensure that you can use all the functions of our portal. Furthermore, they enable us to collect anonymised data, which we use to keep our portal permanently up to date for you. Without these cookies, you will only be able to use our services to a limited extent.
Analysis cookies
With the help of analysis cookies, also known as "statistics cookies", we are able to determine the number of visitors to a specific website and to obtain information on the popularity of individual products and services or other offers. With the help of analysis cookies, also known as "statistics cookies", we are able to determine the number of visitors to a specific website and to obtain information on the popularity of individual products and services or other offers.
Marketing cookies
We use marketing cookies to show you personalised advertising, including on third-party sites. With the help of these cookies, pseudonymous profiles of user interests can be created, on the basis of which relevant advertising offers are displayed. Marketing cookies are used to show you advertisements that correspond to your interests. You can deactivate this function, but this does not affect the number of advertisements you see, but the content of these advertisements.
Google Maps Cookies
We use Google Maps to display map material. When you download this content, personal data about you is processed, in particular by transmitting your IP address and by setting third-party cookies, which can also be used to create user profiles and for marketing purposes. If you load the content, you also agree in accordance with Article 49 (1) sentence 1 lit. a GDPR that your personal data can also be processed by providers from the USA. The level of data protection according to the GDPR cannot be guaranteed in this case. This can mean, for example, that American authorities (in particular intelligence services) have access to your data. Legal protection against this is currently very limited or not possible at all. You can find more information on this in our Privacy Policy. You can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future.
Google Fonts
An external Google server is used to display Google Fonts. When you visit our website, the fonts are reloaded via a Google server. Through this external call, personal data about you is processed in which in particular the IP address is transmitted and cookies are set by third parties, which are also used to create user profiles and for marketing purposes. When you download the content, you also consent to the transfer of your personal data to the USA in accordance with Art. 49 (1) sentence 1 lit. a DSGVO, despite an existing risk for you. The level of data protection according to the GDPR cannot be guaranteed in this case. This can mean, for example, that American authorities (especially intelligence services) gain access to your data. Legal protection against this is currently very limited or not possible at all.
Further information on this can be found in our Data protection declaration.
You can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future.
External media cookies
Offers from external providers, for example from social media platforms, are integrated on our pages. These third-party providers set their own cookies, which are also subject to data protection regulations. You can find more information on the corresponding data protection pages of the external providers.
There are currently no reference properties from Groetsch Wohnbau GmbH listed with neubau kompass.
Provider imprint
Groetsch Wohnbau GmbH
Wolfratshauserstr. 119
D-82049 Pullach
Fon: 089 – 759 69 888 – 0
Fax: 089 – 759 69 888 – 8
[email protected]
Vertreten durch:
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Michael Groetsch
HRB 126 795
Aufsichtsbehörde gemäß Gewerbeerlaubnis nach §34c GewO:
IHK für München und Oberbayern
Max-Joseph-Straße 2
80333 München
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