This building project is sold out.
Project details
AddressGroßer Hasenpfad 40, 60598 Frankfurt am Main / Sachsenhausen-Süd
Housing typeCondominium
PriceOn request
project.rooms4 - 5 rooms
Living spaceOn request
Ready to occupyimmediately
UnitsOn request
Project ID2856
Project description
Komfort (genießen): Bequem mit dem Lift in jede Etage, wohlige Fußbodenheizung, elektrische Rollläden, überhohe Decken und Türen, teilweise überdachte Terrasse Design (erleben): Malerflies, Parkett geölt, Feinsteinzeugfliesen, Duravit Objekte, Vollglas Duschkabine, Handtuchheizkörper, Edle Design-Armaturen, Edelstahl Türgriffe, Bangkirai Terrassenbeläge. Energie (sparen) dreifach verglaste Fenster, Brennwertheizung mit Solarthermie, Wärmedämmverbundsystem, 3-Scheiben-Isolierverglasung, Solarthermie für Warmwasseraufbereitung.
(Quelle: Website Orban & Partner)
Legal notice: the information on the construction project is an editorial contribution by neubau kompass AG. It is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer in the legal sense. The content offered is published and checked by neubau kompass AG in accordance with § 2 TMG. Information on any commission obligation can be obtained from the provider. All information, in particular on prices, living space, furnishings and readiness for occupancy, is provided without guarantee. Errors excepted.