Condominium in Graz Area
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9 projects with 150 residential units
ESS REAL Estate GmbH
Zuhause mit Herz
13 new build condominiums
Markt St. Marein 183 A-B, 8323 Sankt Marein bei Graz
Price€183,070 - €285,000
Living space53.11 - 76.98 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyImmediately
Auer Bau- & Projektmanagement GmbH
Jungberg Gleisdorf
7 new build condominiums
Marburgerweg 2-4, 8200 Gleisdorf
Price€417,000 - €637,000
Living space85.9 - 114.45 m2
Rooms3 rooms
Ready to occupyDec 30, 2026
Wohninvest GmbH
Eibiswald 22
11 renovated investment apartments
Eibiswald 22, 8552 Eibiswald
Living space30 - 80 m2
Rooms2 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyUpon request
EPADO Immobilien GmbH
Seiersberg ONE
New build condominiums
Premstätterstraße, 8054 Seiersberg-Pirka
Price€431,300 - €631,300
Living space76.58 - 104.21 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyImmediately
ESS REAL Estate GmbH
Eigentumswohnungen St. Georgen an der Stiefing
50 new build condominiums
Stiefing 204, 8413 Sankt Georgen an der Stiefing
Price€193,344 - €368,280
Living space50 - 92 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyUpon request
Motus Immobilien
St. Lorenz Living Apartments
Neubau von 12 Eigentumswohnungen
Niederschöcklstraße, 8044 Weinitzen
PriceOn request
Living space43 - 96 m2
Rooms2 - 3 rooms
Ready to occupyImmediately
K2B Holding GmbH
Neubau von 4 Eigentumswohnungen
Tomscheweg, 8301 Laßnitzhöhe
PriceOn request
Living space106 m2
Rooms4 rooms
Ready to occupyUpon request
STW Immobilien GmbH
Wohnoase Maurerweg
Neubau von 46 Eigentumswohnungen
Maurerweg 1-15, 8401 Kalsdorf bei Graz
PriceOn request
Living space68 - 115 m2
Rooms3 - 4 rooms
Ready to occupyUpon request
Immoks Immobilien
Neubau von 2 Doppelhäusern zum Globalverkauf
Rittscheingreitweg, 8280 Fürstenfeld
PriceOn request
Living spaceOn request
Ready to occupyUpon request
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