neubau kompass is the leading online platform for new-build residential real estate in Germany
We concentrate entirely on new-build apartments and houses. This focus, the high quality of our advertised properties, the user-friendly navigation and the objective, current market overview make neubau kompass the first port of call when it comes to the successful sale or purchase of a new-build property. Acquiring qualified, potential buyers couldn't be easier than with us.
Property buyers can find detailed information on more than 2,000 new-build projects in Germany and Austria on our portal. neubau kompass also offers a wide range of media with a wealth of different information on all aspects of buying property.
Our online guide and blog provide tips on new building areas, financing options and interior design trends. Our weekly newsletter for owner-occupiers and investors shows brand new projects. Our Germany-wide real estate magazine is published three times a year as a print edition and as an e-magazine.
regional newsletters per year
Real estate blog
Germany-wide magazines
Current press releases
Immobilienportal neubau kompass geht mit neuem Look ins 4. Quartal

Mit dem jüngst eingeführten Partner-Portal bringt die erfolgreiche Immobilien-Plattform neubau kompass ihre B2B-Kunden bei der Entscheidung über Marketingaktivitäten einen entscheidenden Schritt voran.
„Unsere neue Schnittstelle zum Inserenten überzeugt mit einer einzigartig einfachen und verständlichen Bedienung und bietet unseren B2B-Partnern zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, ihr Business noch zielgenauer und erfolgreicher zu gestalten, um ihren ROI sukzessive zu erhöhen”, so Thomas Reimer, Head of Product.
Die Anmeldung zum Partner-Portal erfolgt für neubau kompass B2B-Kunden über ihren Ansprechpartner im Vertrieb. Dies gewährleistet eine individuelle Betreuung und einen reibungslosen Start in die Nutzung des Portals.
Ab dem Zeitpunkt der erfolgreichen Registrierung können Bauträger und Makler die Performance ihrer inserierten Objekte in Echtzeit überprüfen. Außerdem ist es möglich, Statistiken und Rechnungen jederzeit und überall einzusehen. Ein Highlight ist der Vergleich mit Projekten in der gleichen Region. Mit wenigen Klicks können Inserenten ermitteln, wie ihr Bauvorhaben im Vergleich zum Durchschnitt im jeweiligen Großraum abschneidet.
„Nach dem erfolgreichen Launch Ende letzten Jahres werden wir das Portal kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln und weitere Features bereitstellen, die unseren B2B-Kunden maximale Transparenz und Flexibilität versprechen. Wir unterstreichen damit unseren Anspruch, die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zu erfüllen und Innovationen voranzutreiben”, so Thomas Reimer.
neubau kompass supports providers with new partner portal

With the recently introduced Partner Portal, the successful real estate platform neubau kompass is helping its B2B customers take a decisive step forward in their decision-making regarding marketing activities.
"Our new interface for advertisers impresses with its uniquely simple and understandable operation and offers our B2B partners numerous opportunities to make their business even more targeted and successful in order to gradually increase their ROI," says Thomas Reimer, Head of Product.
Neubau kompass B2B customers register for the partner portal via their sales contact. This ensures personal support and a smooth start to using the portal.
From the moment of successful registration, developers and brokers can check the performance of their advertised properties in real time. It is also possible to view statistics and invoices anytime and anywhere. A highlight is the comparison with projects in the same region. With just a few clicks, advertisers can determine how their construction project compares to the average in the respective metropolitan area.
"After the successful launch at the end of last year, we will continuously develop the portal and provide additional features that promise our B2B customers maximum transparency and flexibility. In doing so, we underline our commitment to meeting the needs of our customers and driving innovation," says Thomas Reimer.
neubau kompass magazine now also available as an e-journal

With the May edition of its German magazine, real estate portal neubau kompass is celebrating a double premiere. For the first time, the 120-page magazine is being published in a nationwide edition. Readers will find information on selected new build construction projects in Germany and Austria, background reports on the real estate market, interviews with renowned architects and lifestyle tips. The neubau kompass magazine is now also available as an e-magazine alongside the print version.
"With the e-edition, we are expanding our range of publications and taking a step forward in terms of sustainability. At the same time, we are opening up further sales channels and tapping into new target groups," says neubau kompass board member Sebastian Bruns.
As part of a cooperation with Media Carrier, the neubau kompass magazine will be available as an e-edition download for passengers of Lufthansa and other German airlines. At the same time, the e-magazine is being added to the Share Magazines range, which is available in car dealerships, lifestyle and wellness facilities and clinics across Germany, among other places.
Interested parties can order the neubau kompass magazine on neubau kompass or download it directly.
Premium magazine - neubau kompass
neubau kompass and KREDIT.DE start cooperation

In cooperation with kredit.de, one of the largest financial intermediaries in the German-speaking countries, neubau kompass AG is now providing a new type of financing calculator. This allows customers to receive a non-binding assessment of successful financing in just a few steps. With the new calculator, the Munich-based company is offering property seekers another free service that supports them on their way to owning their own home.
Customers can find out quickly and easily, without having to provide their contact details, what their chances of successful financing are. Various factors are taken into account in the calculation, such as the purchase price of the property, equity and life situation. Using this data, the new financing calculator provides a realistic assessment of possible financing. Users also receive helpful tips to increase their chances of getting a loan. After customers have requested their desired amount, a financing professional from kredit.de supports them with the next steps.
"We are expanding our offering and taking a step further in development. In the medium term, the topic of financing is to be integrated even more strongly into our service offering. Both prospective buyers and property developers benefit from this," says neubau kompass board member Tobias Sattler.
"It is a win-win situation. neubau kompass AG is enhancing its offering and we are available as a reliable financing partner for the purchase of high-quality properties," adds Rolf Meisel, CEO of kredit.de AG.
Sales manager Günther Wechtitsch launches successful financing cooperation on neubaukompass.at

Munich (ots) - In May of this year, Günther Wechtitsch took over the management of sales on the Austrian market for neubau kompass AG. Within a short period of time, he successfully expanded the real estate portal with a focus on new build construction projects for sale in his home country. Renowned property developers and marketers appreciate the know-how, service and flexibility of the entire team
in every phase of the marketing process. The high quality of the advertised properties and the user-friendly navigation make neubau kompass the first port of call for both owner-occupiers and investors on the way to a valuable dream property.
Günther Wechtitsch can now boast another success. As a former and long-standing banker in real estate financing, he was able to create additional added value for Austrian users. From now on, neubaukompass.at offers an independent financing service including a free financing calculator in cooperation with Rosemarie Pacher-Theinburg.
Especially in times of new lending guidelines, it is even more important to be aware of all eventualities. Trust in financial matters is extremely important and forms the basis for successful cooperation. With over 20 years of experience in the financial sector, Rosemarie Pacher-Theinburg offers an independent market comparison for every financing request with the promise of finding the optimal offer on the market.
"I am very pleased about the collaboration with Rosemarie Pacher-Theinburg. We have a long history together in the banking industry. Trust, reliability and competence are guaranteed in our cooperation," says neubau kompass sales manager Günther Wechtitsch.
The new financing service can be found at
neubau kompass focuses on ecological and sustainable initiatives

"When it comes to sustainability today, the term ESG (Environment Social Governance) is often used. ESG has established itself as a corporate philosophy that takes sustainable, ecological and social aspects into account in corporate management. With various measures, neubau kompass AG aims to meet this challenge and contribut o making the world a better place," says Udo Sauer, CEO and founder of neubau kompas br>
Together with our partner Planet Tree, we planted 250 trees in the Alzenau est and supported the reforestation of our local forests. The well-being of th ceans is also important to us. This year, neubau kompass, together with the everw organization, removed 2.5 tons of garbage from waters around the world. I just a drop in the ocean, but with other companies and private individuals, we c make a significant contribution to a sustainable future," says neubau kompass ard member Sebastian Bruns.
"We attach great importance to the healt rotection and well-being of our employees. Modernly equipped workplaces and ious measures for company health management are a priority," adds Udo Sauer.
neubau kompass also lives up to its responsibility when it comes to energy co mption and purchases electricity from the sustainable Munich-based energy provider Polarstern. Electricity as it should be: 100% renewable green energy, 100% from a German hydroelectric power plant.
Not least through the Folding@home project, we want to do something for a better "tomorrow". The research project at Stanford University aims to develop vaccines and drugs for diseases such as cancer, Alzheimers, Huntingtons, Parkinsons and Covid. "Simulating protein folding requires a great deal of computing power. We support research by making the computing power of our technical infrastructure available," says board member Tobias Sattler.
Tobias Sattler joins the neubau kompass Management Board

Tobias Sattler will join the existing Management Board team at neubau kompass AG on January 1. Together, they will continue to drive forward the companys long-term growth trajectory. “neubau kompass has been the specialist for new-build properties since 2008 and has grown strongly in recent years. In Tobias Sattler, neubau kompass has gained a proven digital expert with many years of experience in the online business. I value him as a strategic thinker and
entrepreneurial personality. With his expertise, he will help us to open the next chapter," says founder and board member Udo Sauer.
Tobias Sattler (39) is a self-employed management consultant and was previously the board member for product and technology at the web hosting provider united-domains AG (IONOS Group). There he shaped the continuous development of the Starnberg-based IT company. Tobias Sattler is also excellently networked in the Internet community and has done important international committee work. He is also the founder of various online platforms such as CyberSec, Domain Name Basics and MyNext.Events.
"The real estate market offers enormous potential and requires strategic and pragmatic solutions for digital transformation. The corona pandemic in particular has shown how important digital solutions are. We are therefore delighted to welcome Tobias Sattler as a new board member. Together we want to continue to grow, strengthen and expand our digital business model," adds fellow board member Sebastian Bruns.
"I am looking forward to helping shape neubau kompass success story in the future and solving complex challenges with the optimal mix of sales, marketing and technology," says Tobias Sattler.
Real estate magazine from neubau kompass AG wins Iconic Award 2021

With its new real estate and lifestyle magazine, the real estate portal neubaukompass.de has won this years ICONIC AWARD in the “Communication B2C” category. Following the launch of the magazine in April 2021, those responsible were able to convince an international jury of experts of the outstanding design quality and innovative communication of the 80-page magazine. The ICONIC AWARD 2021 will be presented during Expo Real on October 11, 2021 at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich.
With the new print magazine, we are deliberately supplementing our digital online market overview on our website in the offline area and are now offering our interested parties the Neubau Kompass to touch. The feedback from our readers is extremely positive and the award from industry experts strengthens our belief that our new magazine has captured the spirit of the times," says Udo Sauer, board member and founder of neubau kompass.
The content concept combines exclusive real estate, transparent market knowledge and an upscale lifestyle with expert interviews, restaurant tips and reports on all aspects of the real estate market. Readers receive the magazine free of charge by post. Advertising customers benefit from the exclusive approach to a demanding, purchase-determined audience.
The ICONIC AWARD: Innovative Architecture is awarded annually by the German Design Council and has established itself as a neutral, international architecture and design competition. Awards are given to visionary buildings, innovative products and sustainable communication from all areas of architecture, the construction and real estate sectors and the manufacturing industry. The awards are considered independent seals of quality of international standing for contemporary developments and design achievements.
About neubau kompass - http://neubaukompass.de
Founded in Munich in 2008, http://neubaukompass.de has developed from the first web-based real estate portal for new construction projects to the number 1 for new residential properties and property development projects in Germany. In addition to the successful online business, the company entered the magazine sector in April 2021 and offers customers and thus readers further interfaces in real estate brokerage.

Your editorial team contact
Julia Niewöhner
[email protected]
089 4520672-25
neubau kompass AG
Perchtingerstr. 8,
81379 Munich
[email protected]
089 4520672-20